Continuing development on Edison Chen scandal

It has been five days since supposedly doctored photos of Edison Chen and his ex-gf Gillian Chung first broke. What has happened since then?

Someone did a chart on who Edison has been with for the past few years and it’s understood that as many as 14 Hong Kong female stars had a fling/relationship with him and might have pictures taken with him.

Maggie Q – Was actually dating Daniel Wu, but broke up thanks to Edison
Elva Hsiao – Hung out at night spot
Amanda S – Through filming

Gillian Chung – Former colleagues, fought with Shawn Yue over her
Rain Lee – Through public event

Bobo Chan – Infamous girlfriend link but later broke up
Niki Chow – Through movie filming, caught catching a concert together

Cecilia Cheung – Dated Edison soon after first broke-up with Nicholas Tse

Stephy Tang – Met at Taiwanese nite-spot, acted in movie together
Cherrie Ying – Through filming
Rosanne (2R) – She courted Edison instead and had many secret meetings

Jolin Tsai – Through MV filming
Miriam Yeung – Older woman, young boy relationship

2006 and now
Vincy Yeung – Niece of EEG boss, Albert Yeung

Following the release of doctored photos of Gillian, Bobo Chan earlier, more photos of Cecilia Cheung were released yesterday and the day before and they were high-resolution pictures taken with a DSLR camera, D70. She appeared drunk as her face was flushed and various evidence like her tattoos seems to indicate it’s not a doctored picture by any chance.

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The Hong Kong police admitted today that the doctored photos had no signs of being photoshopped, which was what many industry experts on photography and photoshop including the majority of the general public believe. There have been many cases of doctored photos in the past but no hoo-ha was made over them. Why the big hoo-ha this time? This can only mean one thing, the photos are real and EEG boss are trying to stop the scandal from blowing up even though it has already and looks hopeless.

The police have arrested an unemployed ethnic Chinese man in his late 20s in connection with the case yesterday too. The man was not named and his role in distributing the photos was still unclear. Officers had found 12 photos on a computer that would support charges of publishing obscene photos. They aren’t sure that this man is the culprit so the real suspect is probably still at large. They have also obtained IP addresses of 30 users who have aided in posting and spreading the photos over the Internet and will seek to prosecute them.

Rumours abound that the shots of Edison and Gillian could have been a 3P romp because there must be a 3rd person who was filming them and it could be Shawn Yue. The latest photo released on the internet after Cecilia Chung was shockingly revealed to be Hong Kong singer, Joey Yung but this was obviously photoshopped judging from the unnatural angle of the head. Final rumour is that the best of them all, Maggie Q is being saved for the last.

31 thoughts on “Continuing development on Edison Chen scandal

  1. LOL at “Maggie Q being saved for last.” Hahahahahhaaha..!! The fans of some of those female celebs must be devastated coz of their innocent image. But we all know Edison ain’t no angel. Hahahaha… This must so embarassing for all the celebs involved.

  2. Pingback: Edison’s Next ‘IT’ Girl is Joey Yung? «

  3. those pix were true…
    those were made to be shown, privately then and publicly now…
    i feel shameful for those women, but they’re to blame.
    why pose like that anyway?
    edison do sucks big time though!

  4. I hope he can quickly release all the pictures instead of fishing our appetite.
    Anyway, it shows how slutty the female celebrities, sleep around with handsome celebrities. Edison also can get all these gorgeous singers or actress. God!
    I am waiting for the other pictures.
    I am waiting for maggie, rosanne, jolin , elva as the person said. Hope he is not caught before he posts other pics. Hope he just posts all the remaining.

  5. OMG how do you know that the video is out?

    this is the final nail in the coffin for those who still believe that the photos arent real.

  6. LOL I just noticed that in the picture you put up, Edison is holding a camera… with bedroom eyes. D:

  7. who the freaking cares?
    those pictures were meant for them, not for us to see and criticize them.
    jeesh. everyone is gonna have sex.
    don’t act like it’s forbidden and shit and make a big deal out of it.

  8. I don’t care much who they are… I only care their “beauty” when being nude.

    Hopefully, the all 1000 pictures will be released to the public so we can see their bodies. Watching them with clothes is so boring, without ones so much better.

  9. edison deserved it!!pls stop saying they are victim and so do victims here.he took the pics and the girls let (can’t see of any unwillingness in those pics, they were very ‘helpful’ and ‘cooperative’ instead). blame him for not protecting that and girls….blame yourself for letting that happen.anyway cool pictures.i enjoy it!!

  10. Edison Chen seems to enjoy eating pussy too! Wonder he ever needs to buy any dental floss as the ladies all appeared to have very thick natural floss

  11. over 80 pics was released today.
    lots of pictures on “BoBo sucks a mean cock”.
    Gillian sucks on Edison’s toes.
    More pussy eating
    with a twist of 2 new chicks

  12. Pingback: Edison Chen Sex Scandal Overview « news-talk

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